Sychey Games designs strategy and social games, specializing in developing an integrated gaming experience across generations, mixing traditional and modern gaming patterns on multiple platforms.

While Sychey Games is designing its own Universe to showcase these capabilities, it is also a a one-stop design studio for companies interested to bring this rich game experience to their products.

Sychey?! uh??

With Sychey [Saɪ-tʃi:], we wanted to evoke the word psyche, because we want our games to appeal to the intellect and decision making of our players. We are inspired by science-fiction, imagination and creativity as well as by the Chinese chi (or Qi) which symbolizes the balance of energies, and celebrates life in general.

For our logo, we have chosen a strand of DNA, that symbolizes the foundations of life and its evolution. This symbol can also be seen as an hourglass, that symbolizes the time to enjoy with friends and family, playing games of course.